This high performance noserider brings logging to new heights. The more foiled rails allow you to pick up speed down the line to get through those close out sections at beach breaks and low tide Pleasure Point while the increased nose concave provides maximum lift to noseride through the tough sections. Whether its making point breaks or sloppy beach breaks this log is the thing to step up your game.
Includes clear or color lamination, fiberglass fins and pro-finish or sanded gloss finish.
This high performance noserider brings logging to new heights. The more foiled rails allow you to pick up speed down the line to get through those close out sections at beach breaks and low tide Pleasure Point while the increased nose concave provides maximum lift to noseride through the tough sections. Whether its making point breaks or sloppy beach breaks this log is the thing to step up your game.
Includes clear or color lamination, fiberglass fins and pro-finish or sanded gloss finish.
This high performance noserider brings logging to new heights. The more foiled rails allow you to pick up speed down the line to get through those close out sections at beach breaks and low tide Pleasure Point while the increased nose concave provides maximum lift to noseride through the tough sections. Whether its making point breaks or sloppy beach breaks this log is the thing to step up your game.
Includes clear or color lamination, fiberglass fins and pro-finish or sanded gloss finish.